I believe that there is a cumulative, compound effect when allies and people of color attack racism on multiple levels over time. If we attack racism from all directions, it has nowhere to hide. If our attacks are persistent and unrelenting over time, we can wear this thing down and dismantle its power.”

****In the wake of George Floyd's murder and worldwide protesting, corporations are reevaluating race in the workplace. I developed this LinkedIn video series with a colleague to help corporate leaders turn this moment of truth into an era of changes.

How Leaders Can Address Race in the Workplace in the Wake of George Floyd's Murder

America and the rest of the world has experienced a moment of trauma and truth with the murders of George Floyd , Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, among a parade of other Black injustices. Corporations have jumped to digital channels to make anti-racism statements, sometimes for first time ever. However, if we are going to see the meaningful change, that rhetoric has to be backed up with real action.

We created this video series because we want to provoke and mobilize leaders to be accountable to these statements. We have the power to turn this moment of truth into an era of change— but only if we act with urgency, authenticity, and courage.

Read the full article on LinkedIn here


Making a Statement About George Floyd and Black Injustice Without Creating a Backlash

Today on Conversations in Color  we are talking about making a statement without creating a backlash. It's important to the world, the team, and each individual to hear from you. Doing this is not easy but it is worth it. lets’s discuss how leaders can make statements with more service, compassion, empathy and grace.

Read the full article on LinkedIn here